A Note From The Author.


Hallo, and welcome to my site, as you have found your way here I will presume that you have an interest in the Stone Roses, who are probably the best band ever. I have been interested in the Stone Roses for some time and I find their music addictive. I am only Seventeen so I didn't really experience the Stone Roses phenomenon properly, instead I worked back from the bands of the last few years to the ultimate influence The Roses, I used to listen to records like ' Some Friendly ' by the Charlatans and be told how they had been influenced by the Roses until one day I went out and bought The Stone Roses, Yes the Charlatans were good but the Roses blew them away.

What Do I Think Of The Roses New Bands ?

I think that they are all very good but primal Scream are the better, Manis's bass fits the band perfectly, I saw the Scream team live on the 4th of February and they were excellent. Being a fan of John Squires guitar work as I myself play guitar, I also like the seahorses, John is still playing guitar as well as ever as leads the band with majestic guitar work. At first hearing Of Ian Browns new album, I did not think very highly of it but after a while , I have really got to liking it, with great tracks like ' What Happened To Ya' and 'Corpses'.

Last but not least, I would also like to thank all the people that helped me put this site up and also all the people from whose sites I took Pictures etc.

I hope You find my site interesting and I hope it has whatever information that you are looking for.

Barry O' Dwyer.

20th of April 1998

My site is now finally begining to take off and i am recieving a steady number of hits, if you are a regular visitor to the site, you may notice that it is becoming quicker as I am trying to compress the size of the images so that loading time is not as long, but at the same time, I do not want to lose any of the images as it would let down on the overall presentation of the site, If you have come in search of a history update , I am sorry but I have been busy publicising my site and have not had much time to write any of it lately but don't worry, an update will be along any day soon.

Barry O' Dwyer


19th of June 1998

The New Improved site has finally been put up and is looking very well, it is much improved from the last site with frames sounds and much more info on its way. another problem whic I have encountered is my couter reseting itself which is very annoying, At the moment I am recieving about twenty hits a day.

Barry O' Dwyer



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